Nerd Out More!

chpc happiness Feb 14, 2021

When we engage in our interests, we are more resilient.  “Nerding out” is essential to feeling happier, and managing an often chaotic environment.  

Focusing on something that brings us joy is something we can control every day.  When we stop needing out, playing, or creating joy every day we feel lost, restless, anxious, and less able to handle struggles.

For me, the morning coffee ritual is one of those things I've tweaked over the years.  Like, tons and tons of hours trying to make the best cup at home.  Here's a quick version of the current process I posted to Instagram this past week.  Making this was pretty fun too.

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A post shared by Shawn Buttner (@coach_shawn_buttner)


Here are five ideas to think about when nerding out:

  1. There is nothing wrong about being a nerd
  2. Learn to create or make what you LOVE
  3. Build hobbies or interests into every day, 30 minutes if you can
  4. Find your community and engage
  5. Share the spoils

Nerding out more can help you feel happier and more resilient each day.  It's that 10 minutes making coffee, 15 minutes playing guitar or reading.  Whatever you are into, make sure you make it part of your daily routine!


If you'd like help finding what you nerd out about, apply for a free 1-hour high performance strategy session by going here.

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