Pay Attention To These Two Habits To Get Two-Months Of Your Life Back


The average American spends 147 minutes on social media, and 147 minutes on email, each day.

That is at least 76 days a year on distraction.

What if you had 76 more days each  ear to spend time with your spouse or kids? How great would you be at playing guitar, or building skills in your career?

What would change if you were less distracted?

Sign Up For A Strategy Session

You Can Break Free From Distraction

Learn high performance habits to focus on what turns the dial in your life:

  • Make decisions with more speed and authenticity
  • Manage your energy with science-based habits 
  • Find blind spots and take bold authentic action
  • Create and use habits to stay focused and on track
  • Inspire others to join your causes, missions, and ideas with habits that are "cool" and authentic

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Sign up for your 1-hour strategy session to learn more about 


In The Next 3 Months, You Could…

  • Find clarity and momentum on your life's work
  • Feel more confident, present, and joyful because you are living your most authentic life
  • Be proud of the rapid progress you've made

The right personal development habits make all the difference


The 1-Hour High Performance Strategy Session

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You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Future?

This 1-hour call will walk you through the high performance process to generate your personalized strategy plan. You’ll learn how to:

  • Get clear on what you want, and how it aligns with your values
  • Active the energy you need to achieve and perform
  • Take bold action towards the life YOU want to live
  • Simple habits to keep you focused and on track
  • A habit to inspire and connect more with loved ones, friends, and co-workers

With proven habits and strategies, you'll experience breakthroughs and the path forward, customized to you. It's why people LOVE high performance coaching!

This Strategy Session Is For You If...

  • You are a business owner or leader who wants to improve
  • You don't know what your next steps are for the transformation you need
  • You want to FEEL more joy, confidence, and presence
  • You dream of living more fulfilling and meaningful life
  • You want to leave a legacy for your children

I'm Shawn Buttner

After leaving Apple, ending a 14 year career in technology and software, I wanted to help people avoid the burnout and bad habits I experienced in my career.

I originally got certified as a high performance coach to help keep myself get out of burnout, and to help my team perform better.

Now, I help people manage burnout and lean into their performance edge through 1:1 coaching, and my podcast "The Meaningful Revolution."


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PersonalĀ High Performance Strategy Session

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