Connect To Your Interests: How To Connect The Dot's Looking Back

May 01, 2022

Welcome to the second video in the #MeaningfulRevolution Series! 

Sometimes, the best place to start creating more meaning every day is to focus on what naturally draws your attention. Hobbies and interests help us learn, grow, and get energized.  

So what would happen if every day you spent 30 minutes more on something you were interested in? Like 30 minutes to really nerd out on something you enjoy and think is fun?

I bet we opened your calendar for today that you probably don’t have time to nerd out on your calendar. 

Have you ever felt exhausted or uninspired for a long while? 

If we go too long without tapping into what we find fun, that can happen. We don’t have anything to look forward to each day, so getting to work and home becomes a slog.

Use these five questions to make sure you are giving your interests enough time:

  1. What activities, interests, or hobbies provide you the most happiness each day or week? 
  2. When are those activities planned each day or week?
  3. Who could you talk to about said hobby or interest this week?
  4. What is something you’d love to do for the next two years?
  5. What keeps you from working on your hobbies, interests, or missions?

Following your interests brings fun, spice, and zest into your life!

These questions will help you identify and connect with what you find meaningful in life. Select one thing you will nerd out on for the next month, then go deep!

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