Adaptation is A Game of Self-Confidence - June 6, 2021

chpc productivity psychology Jun 06, 2021

If you've ever experienced a setback on a project, ambition, or goal, then you probably know what I mean. This past year was a whole exercise of figuring out how to work from home, school the kids, figuring out how to cook without burning the place down, and other pandemic-related adaptations.

When we rigidly hold onto our plans, processes, habits, and behaviors, it causes many of us to become frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, or irritable. Ultimately, we can spend so much time in these feelings that we lose momentum and time course-correcting and staying on track.

This week for me, is a perfect example. I accidentally smashed my laptop, which has disrupted my ability to do live casts, videos, and video conferences for my business. I didn't realize how essential or entrenched my video setup was with my laptop, so I've been figuring out how to do all the things with my phone and sort out the computer this week. To enforce the change, I also sat through three days of jury selection. And will be a juror for the next three weeks, which throws off some surprises I was working on for you folks this month. Again, no worries, just shifting around what I can do and making sure I am only working on the essential bits. Instead of getting upset that my computer broke (long term, I was pretty pissed when it broke) and that the next month is weeks of jury duty, I can confidently focus on managing the situation and not falling too far behind.

So what separates folks who get caught in upset or handle change like a champ?

  1. Confidence in your ability to change
  2. See the big picture
  3. Seeing things as an opportunity
  4. Staying proactive when uncertain
  5. Have some fun!

If you are struggling with feeling more confident in your ability, maybe it's time to work with a coach. Get started by going to to learn six strategies that can help you, and apply for a free 1:1 strategy session.

The more ideas you can implement, the more you can handle change. You can feel confident in uncertainty, keep your momentum up, and get ahead when unexpected things come up. Because the game of adaptation is a game of self-confidence.


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