What Training for a Marathon Taught Me About Life

Sep 11, 2016


Today's video talks about the important life lessons training for a marathon can teach you.

Have you ever had a huge challenge in your life, or had trouble getting from point A to point B in your life?  Maybe you want to move to California, or start a business, and it just seems too big to tackle.

That's what I thought when I decided to run the Chicago Marathon in 2008.  I was out of shape, hated running, and was not sure if I could actually finish a marathon.

I had some marathoner friends, and they helped me figure out how to survive training and running a marathon.

Here are the four big ideas I learned along the way, that can help you tackle that big life challenge!

  • Plan - You need a plan that tells you what you need to do each day to make progress.  I found Hal Higdon's How To Train (I totally messed up his name in the video, sorry Hal!) 
  • Recover - You need to bouce back when you fall off the plan, and you need to plan rest to ensure success.
  • Realize - You are stronger, hardier, and more powerful than you even realize.  You can do crazy ass shit like run a marathon and not die! :)
  • Persist - Keep doing what you need to do each day, no matter what.  It's when we fall out of our routines that we struggle and fail.


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