Thanksgiving and Holiday Training

Nov 29, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving, folks!

Hope you all got to hang and cook with your immediate family and connect with the folks who couldn't be there.

My wife and I made a small feast, and zoomed with family during dinner to make it sorta normal.  And it was great.

There are so many things to be grateful about - health, good people, time to slow down and be together, connect to what's important and figure out what matters to each of us.  I am just thankful to be here today, sharing with you.

There's also be a ton of struggle this year.  Which is why I'm announcing a free training to help you with the stress that usually comes from the holidays!

It's been an uncertain year, and some of us took our eye off the ball because "things happened."  Sometimes we need a reminder that no matter what happens, we can still direct and guide our life forward.  That's why I'm doing a free training this week on mindsets - to help people end the year right and ready so we can start 2021 with more direction and goodness.

So if you'd like to feel more connected, progress, and motivated, check out the free Five mindsets for success live-cast I'm hosting on Dec 1!
Sign up here:


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