Keep your energy up each day with these three simple ideas!

Jun 26, 2016


Hey everyone!

This is the last energy series video, all about moving around.


Have you ever...

  • Burst of energy in the morning, then you run out of juice by the end of the day
  • Sore back from sitting at your desk at home or at work too much?
  • Difficulty staying focused on tasks, and you don't know why?
  • Feel that no matter what you do, your are unable to get rid of stress?  Or you are always thinking about stressful things, and are not able to let things go?

Back in 2007, I was struggling with my student loans.  I was overwhelmed, and afraid I would always be in debt.  

Eventually, I got sick of the stress, and started training for a marathon.  So I got moving.

50 years ago, we worked a little less, and in jobs that required more physical movement.  Factory, sales.  We had a family life, and a work life.

Now, most jobs require computer time desk work.  We sit, and for longer hours at work.  And we lost natural movement during the day, causing weight gain, loss of focus, and loss of energy.

To succeed in today’s world where technology intersects everything, we need to be more mindful on how we move during the day.  Those whom win in today’s economy understand this, which is why people like Steve Jobs were big proponents of walking during the day etc.

  1. Take a 20 min walk before lunch
  2. Try to do work standing; Call while standing, or standing desk for 1 hour a day
  3. Move the body for 2 min every hour for work.

Two things to note:

Don’t be afraid to stop in the middle of a task for a break;  If you are disciplined, you will become more productive.

Do figure out how to do small extra movements during the day.  Park farther away at work.  Take the stairs vs elevator.   Take a meeting where you walk around the building.

Set time each day to walk for 20-40 minutes before lunch, and notice how your energy changes!

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