How successful people think about FOCUS

Oct 29, 2017

This week I have been struggling with focus for a few of my projects.  

It has been tough to keep my mind from wandering from my work, and I started thinking about what other successful people do to increase their focus.  I thought to do a FB live video to share what my observations on focus.

Five things I noticed successful people think through to up their focus:

  1. Block time - Creating blocks of 50 minutes to work on one thing.  This helps lower distractions, and create space to "do the work"
  2. Clarity - Know why you are doing something, what you need to do, and what the outcomes are.  When you are not clear, you are easily distracted.
  3. Inspiration - Have people, music, and other things that inspire you laying around.  It can help keep you going when you need to focus, or help rest when you are taking a break.
  4. Consistency - When you have regular time set to focus, you can build momentum which builds motivation.  Not having constant focus times can lead to distractions that throw you off-course.
  5. Rejuvenation - Stretch, breath, move, and give your mind a break.  Your mind is a muscle, and it needs to relax to recover.  Rejuvenation can help change things from frustrating to fun again!


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