Embracing Authenticity and Spirituality with Ashley Abramson

Season #7

In this episode, we emphasize the importance of spirituality in our lives. Ashley Abramson and I explore topics such as the ego belief systems, personal development too focused on negativity, and standing in the light.

Ashley shares her transformative journey from darkness to embracing her truth and curiosity, challenging listeners to reflect on their own beliefs. She also talks about starting businesses and changing careers through High Performance Coaching, finding one's true purpose, and prioritizing the spiritual journey. She introduces her programs, the Unicorn Effect and Big Miracle Energy, aiming to clear societal conditioning and trauma and ignite the Jesus Revolution reloaded. Lastly, Ashley highlights the significance of starting with small things to spark awareness and curiosity, and shares her plans to sail the world and inspire others through a YouTube channel.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How the purpose of life extends beyond material achievements and experiences, prompting a search for greater meaning.
  • Seeking a deeper understanding of your true purpose and align with spirit.
  • Clearing out societal conditioning and trauma to hear your own truth.
  • Breaking free from rigid thinking allows for greater flexibility and growth.
  • Recognizing that everything in life is a choice empowers us to create our own reality.

Guest Bio:

Ashley Abramson is a Solution Focused Self-Love Mentor, Trauma Coach and social worker gone rogue! (her clients like to call her the ego whisperer) She is also a 3 time international best selling Amazon author and the Captain of bME - Big Miracle Energy, an empowering community where judgment is left behind, and you're invited to embark on a transformative journey.

She works with women who can’t stand the thought of another vanilla talk therapy session, she creates a space for their egos to feel safe and get to the root cause for why they feel stuck in life. Her method, The Unicorn Effect, works to peel back the layers of societal conditioning, programming, and trauma, so that they can experience a whole new level of self-love. And no, she doesn’t mean wine Wednesdays, and bubble baths —she teaches her clients how to connect with themselves in the purest form, where true, authentic self-love is born, to figure out who you REALLY are!

Most of her life, she had been a major outsourcer—looking for clues to who she was in personality tests, astrology readings and every quiz imaginable. At 32, she was faced with a life changing event, she was getting a divorce, which completely altered the trajectory of her life. She began to connect with her own inner child (who had been abandoned by her and most people she knew at a young age) and stopped looking externally.

Using her social work background and her expertise on the impact of childhood traumas, she began supporting women to heal the innermost parts of themselves and say sayonara to another Myers Briggs test. She guides women on their journey to clear out the noise that has been running their life and holding them back from their answers within.

Follow up with Ashley:

Check out the full video podcast edition each Thursday on YouTube, 6am PST and subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform.


Episodes & show notes at https://www.shawnbuttner.com/podcasts/the-meaningful-revolution/

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