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The Creative Expression Revolution with Jim Kawski

Season #5

What is creative expression? Our guest today thinks it's something that's much more accessible to people then they think. 

So why is creative expression important? It's connective to community, it helps us grow, and can help our more analytical side flourish by giving us a breath of experience.

Today's guest shares his experience in creativity, how it's helped him lead community, and grow personally. What is the creative expression revolution? Find out in today's episode with Jim Kawski!


About Our Guest:

Jim Kawski is on a mission to serve. Throughout his career in the Semiconductor industry, he discovered that the opportunities we have to elevate others have the most impact. After 35 years operating in various capacities from manufacturing engineer to CEO he has learned one thing with absolute clarity; our service to others is our greatest contribution.

After an eleven year stint with Varian Semiconductor/Applies Materials, he decided to get clarity on his vocation and to pursue it with unyielding dedication. Today as a Certified High-Performance Coach, he works with individuals and groups, CEO’s and students to help them unlock the door to their vocations and to optimize their lives.

 Follow up with Jim:

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