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The Small Business Significance Revolution with Gary WIlbers

Season #5

What is the the small business revolution?

In today’s episode, Shawn Buttner interviews Gary Wilbers on the significant impact small businesses have on the world.

In this episode, we cover:

  • Why small business is significant
  • How to not let the fear of starting a business stop you
  • Essential skills needed to run a successful business
  • So much more!

“Realize your circumstance is not dictated by someone else. Don't play the victim. You've heard that before. Instead, play the hero of your own story, but write your own story because we're all gonna come to the day that our story's gonna end." Gary Wilbers

If you’d love to learn more about starting or running a small business, don’t miss this episode!

Our guest is Gary Wilbers, founder of The Ascend Mastermind, a speaker, author, trainer & coach. Gary knows the struggles small business owners face daily and believes everyone should reach their full potential in business and life. 

Gary is a best selling author and has written the following books: The High Achiever Leadership Formula, 21 Ways to Attract, Retain & Engage Millennials, Positive Culture Wins, & Cultivate Positive Culture.

Be sure to Follow up with Gary on his websites, or And be sure to subscribe to his Podcast, Small Business Answer Man!



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