Empowering Creators to Master Their Craft, Scale Their Impact, and Leave a Legacy


Have you ever felt like you were waiting to start the life you know you were meant to live?

You are successful, but you feel restless. You feel comfortable with your career, but not fulfilled. You want more for yourself, family, organization, or mission, but you don't know where to start.

So many delay starting or committing to their life.

We don't leave the job that treats us bad because we doubt anywhere else will be different.  

Maybe we are risk-adverse because we have important people to take care of, so we chose the devil we know instead of taking a bet on ourselves.

We do so for all the good and bad reasons we could list here.

What if you could find a way to stop delaying and start getting into action? What would that look like for you and your family?

These types of questions are the start of so many people that start their Meaningful Revolutions, or people who take action to transform their lives into higher levels of leadership, purpose, and positive change.

In order to start your Meaningful Revolution, you need:

  • Clarity on who you are, what you want in your life, the legacy you want to leave
  • Bold action towards your personal revolution
  • Motivation to keep fighting for your dream
  • Leadership to serve with greater impact and service

Anyone who has started a movement, or created change, has all four of these qualities.

And anyone can learn how to have more clarity, bold action, motivation, and leadership. 

To start, all it takes is a decision.

Meet Shawn


Hi, I'm Shawn Buttner!

My mission is to guide people to find and develop their meaningful pursuits. 

I do this two ways: as a Certified High Performance Coach, and Host of the Meaningful Revolution Podcast

As a Certified High Performance Coach, I help people get clear on what they want in life, and walk them through a science-based process to progress towards that clarity. Many of my clients have transformed their careers through high performance coaching, by boldly seeking more aligned jobs or starting businesses themselves.

As the host of The Meaningful Revolution Podcast, I love talking to authors, business owners, and professionals about what they nerd out. 

These discussions are designed to inspire, educate, and empower listeners by exploring the passions, projects, and personal stories of our guests. Join us and be part of a community that celebrates purpose, passion, and the pursuit of a meaningful life.

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Here's What Previous Clients Have Said

Apply For High Performance Coaching Here!
Shawn provided me with tools tailored to my needs specific to each roadblock. After the first session, I was already seeing results in my life!  

Devin B.

James H.

Shawn has a knack for getting me out of my comfort zone simply by asking the right questions. I often finished our sessions with excitement to get to work on the plan we crafted as I worked towards a better me.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

High Performance Coaching helped me clarify my purpose in life, not just in a big dream kind of way but also in a concrete daily practice way. It forced me to look at the things in my way and gave me strategies to overcome them, personal strategies that work for me. I honestly wouldn’t have weather this pandemic so well without them!

Dara B.

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